She is More: Izzi Gomez

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Who are you and what do you do? 

I am Izzi Gomez, I’m 18 yrs old and I guess you could call me a Water Woman haha!


Can you tell us about a recent or upcoming project or experience you are using to impact others with your passion? 

I am proud to announce that I have joined the Colombian Olympic Surf & SUP Team. This is very exciting for me to be able to share my passion while embracing my heritage. I’m really looking forward to learning the language and encouraging the youth and women to appreciate and enjoy the ocean. I really can’t wait to see what the future holds in the world of surfing and paddle boarding in this beautiful country. 


What are your thoughts on current media trends?

Social media is everything in today’s society. It’s a love-hate relationship. It’s addicting & intoxicating, smoke & mirrors. There is quite a lack of authenticity. Everyone is just trying to one up the next and showcase their best. This form of eye candy has become such a guilty pleasure of many finding themselves indulging in wasteful hours of cyber stalking. It has become such an epidemic amongst teens resulting in anxiety and depression. I personally feel that the human race has lost touch with reality, humanity, and socialization, in a sense. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an amazing platform for networking and self-promotion. It also serves a purpose for your voice to be heard amongst millions you couldn’t reach otherwise. I love the positive and inspiring information and people I have come across on social media. Not to mention, it’s the best way to connect with your family and friends. 


What do you strive to accomplish with your media voice?

I would like to inspire others to just be kind, human, and to be proud of who they are….to enjoy life and to live in the moment. It’s not about how cool you are, or if you’re pretty, or skinny enough, or about how many followers or likes you have. I want young girls to know the difference between the illusion people create and the real world. It’s important for them to understand that everyone is unique & special in their own way. I want them to know that they matter. 


What does “She is More” mean to you? 

“She is More” than just another pretty face or an object of distraction. 

“She is More” than meets the eye. 


What advice do you have for others that want to make a positive impact with their media?

 The struggle is real… It’s a rollercoaster of emotions on the daily, damn social media. You just have to find a healthy balance to live with it… because truth is, we can’t live without it.

Use it, don’t consume it. Be Real. Be True. Be You.